Author archive for hw

  • Sea composite

    Sirens: Women and the Sea

      I have applied for an artist in residency at the Ferens Gallery Hull. My reference is the ‘Cosmic...

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    Dance for Parkinsons at The Royal Albert Hall

      I was invited by English National Ballet to facilitate another drawing and dance workshop for the Dance for...

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    WOW festival at Factory International Manchester

      May 2024 I was invited to design and facilitate a participatory drawing event at WOW (Women of the...

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    State of Her Artist Talk for International Women’s Day

    I’m doing an artist talk about my current practice for International Women’s Day at City Lit Friday March 8th...

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    Totems of Hope on display in the heart of Soho

    The banner series have found a new home at 75 Dean St Soho, the former Warner Bros production studios...

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    Lord of Misrule film released

      In 2021 I made a number of artworks for a ‘folk pagan horror’ film, commissioned by production designer...

  • WIA promo

    ‘The Dreaming’ at WIA gallery

      My recent painting ‘Golden Bird Hurting their Twisted Nerves’ was selected for the group winter show at WIA...

  • sacy glove door

    Chateau Sacy site specific work

    In August 2023 I spent a week at Chateau Sacy near Paris where I explored the contents of the...

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    Dance for Parkinsons with English National Ballet

    I’ve worked on a couple of lovely art events with ENB this summer, collaborating with a choreographer and musician...

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    PLAY at Stone Space

    My painting ‘Play Safe’ was selected for the group show ‘PLAY’ at Stone Space gallery London July 2023. The...
