Switch Ideas Lab at The Pacitti Company

Metal in collaboration with Pacitti Company in Ipswich developed a five-day ideas lab working with 6 artists based in the Eastern region. It took place  from 28 January – 1 February 2013. I was one of these artists selected to take part.


The artists involved explored a variety of approaches to digital practice working in the Think Tank space at Pacittti Company. The lab investigated the use of technology in performing environments, including surround sound and open source processing. A number of emerging new projects were developed and both Metal and Pacitti Company will be staying in touch with the artists over the next few months.

I made a new ‘surround sound’ piece of work entitled ‘Seven Drawers of Dead Matter’ which utilized 7 speakers and a sub-woofer with the support of sound technician Gareth Jones. It was my first sound-based installation and represents an exciting new direction in my work. The piece was inspired by the Victorian taxidermy collection in the Ipswich Museum, next door to the Pacitti Company’s new Think Tank. I recorded the sound of heavy specimen drawers being dragged open and my spoken voice as ‘inner monologue’ on encountering the ‘horrors’ contained within…

This is a work in progress that I intend to incorporate into a project titled ‘Things Stare Us in The Face’ to tour around regional museums later in the year. The work will take the form of an ‘alternative audio experience’ as an intervention into public space. I’m particularly interested in the collections stored away behind the scenes, the unveiling and discovery of these stores. I intend to focus on 3 different categories of collections: taxidermy, corsetry and dolls/puppets, all being oft-repeated motifs in my practice.

See link here:
