‘In every dream home a heartache…Standards of living, they are rising daily but home oh sweet home, it’s only a saying…in small town apartment, the cottage is pretty the main house a palace. Penthouse perfection but what goes on, what to do there? Open plan living, bungalow ranch style, all of its comforts seem so essential.
I bought you mail order, my plain wrapper baby. Your skin is like vinyl, the perfect companion…deluxe and delightful. Inflatable doll…Disposable darling, can’t throw you away now. Immortal and life size, my breath is inside you.
Inflatable doll. Lover ungrateful. Oh those heartaches. Dreamhome heartaches…’ (Excerpt: In Every Dreamhome a Heartache Roxy Music 1973)
Main image: In Every Dreamhome a Heartache 2020 charcoal, acrylic paint, Indian ink on canvas 1.5m x 3m
Standards of Living series 2019 charcoal, acrylic paint, Indian ink on paper 82cms 126cms
Sketchbook pages: Found image, biro on paper A5