‘Misfit’ – something that does not fit…or fits badly
I have been utilising paper dress patterns as complex diagrammatic simulacra that present ‘found lines’ to work with, in order to deconstruct and reconstruct the body as a ‘hybrid’. The lines are superimposed on to flat abstract shapes representing the cut fabric (or skin?): moulded and shaped on the human-object of the dressmakers dummy.
These images have been informed by my work with English National Ballet dancers where I have been exploring the reciprocity between the body and line, both literally and figuratively. Together, they present an exciting juxtaposition of the empirical nature of the diagram superimposed on to the ‘internal emotional self’.
The disjuncture, the ‘misfit’ is in the reconfigured pattern that reduces the body to perfect formulae.
All images approx 88 x 68 cms. Pencil, spray paint, tissue dress patterns on paper.
These images are available as limited edition A3 prints – please use Contact Form for all enquiries.