‘Creative Journal’ workshops at Metal Southend

creative journal flyer final jpegjournal laura 4

I have recently led two series of workshops to explore the endlessly creative format of the Artist’s Journal: ‘a Visual Dialogue with the Self’ at Chalkwell Hall, Metal. 30 students have completed journals and ‘altered book’ projects – (making interventions into found books) packed full of raw material, thoughts, observations and ideas. Each workshop is themed, with experimental practical tasks to act as a trigger for further investigative work. The workshops are for everyone: from artists with ‘creative block’ to those people considering application to art school to those simply looking to ‘loosen up’ and explore their creativity.

I’ll be running further journal workshops in Southend and London over the summer.

See some example pages below:



Helen+Alt+Book+Chinajournal chrisjournal kerry cropjournal kerry 5journal lilly 3colour veiling